Saturday, 2 May 2015

A productive week

Today's adventure are about all the productive things that I did during the whole week! Just wanted to share some of my achievements with you guys because I think I did pretty well in it hehehhe. I hope it would help you too if you're planning to do anything like mine. 

First thing that I did was reorganising my wardrobe HAHA. #girlsproblem #toomuchstuff  I made something to help with my accessories that have been lying everywhere in my cupboard. 

A ribbon notice board, but in this case, an accessories board.

I got this idea when I saw my cousin's sister's brother-in-law's room (HAHAHA now that's some long extended family line thing), he made a ribbon board just like this except, his one was definitely nicer. I thought this would be a good idea for accessories, especially if you're hanging the board in your wardrobe, normal cork boards are at risk with push-pins. I'm pretty sure we wouldn't want to get prick on push pins when looking for clothes. *yikes!

I really hope you find this picture super useful LOL, because I couldn't get any visual when I was trying to make this ribbon board! You can make this from old photo frames or window panel, which ever that looks good. Be creative! 

Besides that, my sister found something useful at Daiso and decided to give it a try since we need more space for my wardrobe. It's something that helps you to hang more stuff in one line.(technically seen as aligned) There are many tricks to this method but I didn't like how the thing look after that so I was like ew when my sister introduced it to me HAHAHAHA. Now, it's a life-saviour!

So neat and cute right?? It's so different from the other tricks like:

Daiso also have something like the last picture. 

Okay, not to offend anyone that uses this type of method, I'm pretty sure it helps a lot and also save cost but it is just not my preferences. I mean, they don't look that neat plus, it looks horrifying to me T___T I guess some of you would feel that there isn't much differences compare to mine but yeah. I mind ok.

Another hanger that my sister found for skirts are:

This is really cute & neat! You can find all your skirts and you don't have to fold them over hangers which makes your closet look so bulky and congested. I recommend this for all formal skirts owners!! Daiso sells both the brown and this hanger in pair for RM 5, now including GST RM 5.30.

The next thing is like da BOMB. When I saw it in Daiso, it got me so excited I was jumping already hahaha.

It's a NAIL THINNER. You know, when your nail polish starts to thicken and it's like full bottle or so which is a waste because if it's thicken you can't use it. FRET NOT! This magical baby is here to save the day. HEHEHHEHE. Do you love the name of it? I did. It was a miracle because I have been looking everywhere for this.

I added the white wire thing, in case you're wondering why it look ugly or what's that ugly white thing LOL. I want to make sure I wouldn't lost the squeezer so this is the best/effective way to prevent so.

How to apply it:

1. Go ransack through all your nail polish and find those that are old and thicken, bring them out for experiment!

Thick/Used to be thicken, but in this picture I had already add the thinner. (forget to take picture heheh)

2. Add sufficient amount of thinner into your nail polish and mix them thoroughly.

Sometimes, you need to add A LOT of thinner for the nail polish to return to it's original state (when you first bought it). I tried on my OPI based coat and yeap, used a lot of thinner haha.

3. Best serve when ready! hahaha

Kiss goodbye to all your worries about thick nail polish heheheh.

Next up, I decided to give a new look to my sister's jeans since she has 2 of the same kind so here you go:

I ripped it HAHA. Honestly, it's quite hard for black jeans because everything is so black it makes it harder to cut in a straight line. Overall, I made it and got a new look for the jeans. You can learn this DIY from anywhere, just google it or go youtube.

Ripped jeans works well with anything casual, and it also enhanced your look to a more street kind of look. It's worth trying if you like that kind of look. :)

During the week, I also went shopping at several places and got this white knitted sweater from Cotton On at RM30! I love it because I used to have a pink one but made a silly mistake and gave it away. Super regretting it now. T__T

Anyhow, there's 2 way you can wear this knitted sweater:

Off-shoulder, like a beggy pullover. 


with a deep V neck. 

Both give different kind of look, so depends on which on you're going for. I like both it's so hard to decide OMG hahahaha.

Finally, the last & glorious achievement of mine was this top that I made FROM SCRATCH! HAHAHAHAHA. Sorry, but it's my first time really putting my 100% in DIY-ing my own top so it's really overwhelming for me when it came out as a success.

Of course, the first time I made it, there was some error which was really disappointing because it's a little tight and the material from my old t-shirt has lost it's elasticity. I asked my mum about it and we decided to go buy new cloth for my top yay!

My second time making this top. I love the colour HAHAHA. I admit it really consumes a lot of time compare to the DIY videos that we watch - like those are 15 minutes and I took probably 3 - 4 hours making this top. THIS BARE BACK TOP. Imagine if I have to make a full t-shirt or a dress. Maybe 1 whole day wouldn't be enough for me LOL.

Don't let that stop you from trying though, hehe. I am considering on making another one but without the bare back because I doubt I would find an occasion to wear it out LOL.

That's all for my productive week, I'd like to hear yours too. Let me know what you guys think of my accomplishments and feel free to share your story in comments below!

Until next time, xx.

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