On a beautiful Sunday night, it was my beloved VENCY birthday! (sorry it sounds boring bleh.) Anyway, one of my high school sweetheart was turning 18!! #tearsofjoy. #growingupfast. #proudofyou. LOLOLOL. Okay, I wasn't the organizer for this party but I was invited which made me very happy hahhahaa. (Even though it's not my birthday.)
Aside from the movies and all, I join everyone for dinner. We had dinner at Skypark, One City in a restaurant named Inaho which was really cute and I will tell you why later. We only had phone camera which explains the bad photo quality NOT TO MENTION it was at night so the lightings were pretty bad too. Lucky my phone flash doesn't ruin the picture (just our eyes) so partially saved from dreadful picture quality hahaha. Here are some pictures of that night.
Birthday Girl!
My Torinbara Ramen (if not mistaken). Not bad actually, it is curry chicken with ramen so you can see, the soup is sticky.. (though I prefer non-sticky soup) but it was my first time trying that restaurant so nevermind haha.
Salmon Roll I think.
Chicken Katsu Rice. (I think) LOL sorry I don't remember all their names T______T
Some rice which I don't remember.
Cold Soba. I recall not liking cold soba before this because mainly the noodle is COLD (like what kind of food taste good when it's cold... I can't think of any except desserts but that doesn't count ok.) And it taste weird last time but I tried my friend's one that night and it was not too bad.
Inaho have more of sushi types so in a way limited choices of food I think. If I remember correctly, they have like a few salads, a lot of sushi, maybe like 4 - 5 types of noodles and rice so unless your only aim is to feast on sushi then that would be a nice place let alone the scenery.
Time to bring the cake! *drumroll. It was supposed to be a surprise but when the waiter was bringing out the cake, the candle went off. HAHAHA, so much for surprise but Vency also guessed it already so oh well. She was even more prepared than us to record the arrival of the cake.
I made a birthday card for Vency. The card was a collage of us since 2010 but I was rushing so it was quite messy. Here's the back cover that I can only share with you because it is one of the least embarrassing pictures (besides us looking like old grandma, or being super "LALA/immature faces") in the card hahaha.

I used to make a comic strip out from those pictures which was really funny. Sadly, I could not remember what I crap I came up with so I cannot do the same for you to read. You know when you're young and have too much time to waste, your brain can somehow work in wonders producing lame and dumb jokes, etc etc...
Birthday Girl and I!
The girls.
HAHAHA Okay, I don't know if you find this funny but I love it. I feel it's so funny. #sorry. #needtoselfpraise.

It's such a coincidence that the girls are all wearing black and white. It suits the birthday girl because her dress is both black and white if you realised hahahaha.
Group picture!
Remember just now I said that the restaurant, "Inaho" was cute? Here it is! Actually, their logo is cute hahah. It is an origami bird, so cuteeee.
I know my eyes look evil because of the flash but other than that the picture is nice okay!
Little Vency dancing with her balloons.
Okay, I need to steal some spotlight a bit. A picture of myself with Birthday girl's balloon. Looks nice okay! Other than my shameless doing... hahhaa.
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