My second attempt in making a flower crown! I can say, this is a very successful one. #feelingproud #canreachthecloudsalready. The previous one that I made with purple flowers, I like it but there is something wrong with it (which I haven't figure it out yet ) so I wasn't super happy with it but my sister say it's nice... HOW NOW. Anyway, here's my white flower crown.

Pretty right?! I know, so pretty. Thank you, thank you. HAHAHA. #shameless.
And here's me in my flower crown.
Since the outcome is pretty successful, I might consider making and selling flower crowns. SO if you're interested in my flower crowns, please e-mail me at or you can leave a comment at the end of this post.
I also changed my blog header using the flower crown picture too. This took me few hours because I wasn't familiar with photoshop not to mention that I purposely downloaded photoshop just for this only. LOLOLOL.
Overall, I'm still proud with the results. I think I did a good job right? HAHAHA. #anothershamelessact. I might want to change my blog background again... not sure yet. I always have this itchy hand to go and do other stuff when I should be doing my homework. haih.
Okay, need to go class now! xx.
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