Sunday 27 August 2017

L. Animals take on Penang!

Hello Lazy Sunday!

Finally found the time to edit all my pictures, video and now, update my blog. This past few months had been real hectic and it's about to start again when assignments start flooding in. 

Without further ado, here's my Penang trip.

This Penang trip is quite impromptu - my friend, out of the blue, asked us if we wanted to go Penang together cause she wanted to attend the Penang Anime Matsuri (PAM). 

We took the ETS train from KL to Butterworth and OMG, the train is so cold I swear we were all half frozen by the time we reached. I HIGHLY recommend real thick jackets for this train ride because I was freezing away even in jeans and hoodie. 

After 4 hours+ of train ride, we've reached Butterworth! 

Let the trip commence! 

Poor Bee (left) was dead frozen. As you can see, she wore shorts and t-shirt and smartypants, didn't bring her jacket. GG. Luckily, Malaysia is hot enough that once you left the train, you can feel the blazing heat. 

This trip to Penang is a budget trip #brokeafbutitchyhandstillwanttotravel. Lucky for us, there is the Container Hotel.

Container Hotel has two types of room: basic hotel room with attached toilet; and the container dormitory with a public toilet - one room has about 4 or more containers so everyone shares one room but have their own container. 

Our cosy container which only have one sole purpose that is to sleep in it LOL. The bed fits just right in the container. Basically what you see is what you get. 

Also, I realised that there weren't much information about where we can keep our luggage so..

They actually have a cabinet below for you to store your bag. It can fit 2 small luggage bag and 2 school bags size. Usually the people that stay there are bag packers so it's sufficient for them.

Although the hotel is unlike any that I've stayed before, nevertheless it was a good experience - I especially enjoyed showering while talking to my friend as our shower cubicles are side by side. 

Found a nice spot to take a picture!

After checking in, we head out to find food. 

We stumbled across this shop and decided to give it a try. They're known for their handmade noodles.

The dry spicy noodle is super SUPER spicy. My friends found it quite hard to eat. On the other hand, the dry curry pork is quite good. 

Of course when you're in Penang, you cannot just stop after one meal - it's a food paradise after all. One way or another, I'll definitely stuff more food in my belly. HAHA. 

Next, we went to eat some nice Wan Tan Mee. 

This wan tan mee is worth a try!

Poor boy though, sorry mate.

We thought we were fit enough to take on Penang. Feeling very motivated at the start but after an hour plus, REGRETS. NEVER AGAIN. 

Our legs almost detached from our body that day. The following days, we decided walking was no longer an option (Uber/grab or bus is the way to go!).

On the second day, Bee had a photo shoot at Batu Ferringhi. 

The night before, we were planning how to catch a bus at 6am as the nearest bus stop is quite a distance from our hotel. It's not exactly safe to walk. 

THEN we found out that buses do stop at Container Hotel. OMG, super happy man #lifesaved.

I also got a mini photo shoot too!

The struggle to not get sepet eyes is REAL.

After the photo shoot, we went back to the hotel to get ready for PAM.

Pros of having a friend that cosplay, you can play with their props once in a while. 

Am I Elf enough to join Lords of the Rings' Elf clan?
hahaha #pleaseignoreme.

After the event, we went to eat at Komtar. 

I really like the grilled stingray, lobak and fried oyster. Those stood out to me the most.

Writing this blog post is making me hungry...

Day 3, another photo shoot outside some banks. Sounds odd but the building's architecture is really nice!

I met a local photographer, Kenny at PAM. He offered to do an impromptu photo shoot for me. It was so unexpected but here's one of the picture from the shoot.

Photographer got skills man *claphands.

Dinner for day 3, Lok Lok!
Did I mentioned I LOVE LOK LOK?

Mainly because of their chili sauce but Pulau Tikus Lok Lok is da bomb man! Highly recommending this place to all of you if you're planning to visit Penang! 

It's quite popular so you can search it up on waze or google map. 


If you're wondering, 

Bee's cosplay character for PAM. Don't ask me what is she cosplaying, I'm just there to support. HAHA. #sorrybee #don'thateme.

Day 4, we went taking pictures around Georgetown.

I feel like they are scheming against me...

Szu Lynn's (a.k.a. Miao) birthday has recently passed and we planned to surprise her. It was quite funny as Bee and I was running back and forth between two malls to buy stuff. We bought her a pretty crown and party hats for the rest of us. 

After dinner, we headed to China House. Miao and her bf, Jeremy went there first, Bee and I came afterwards with the cake. 

BTW, thumbs up to their tiramisu cake. #Ilikey 


Sorry need to post a picture of me too so you guys remember me LOL. #justjoking

I'd like to apologise to the workers at China House for being the last customer + taking up your time + disrupting your closing.

Day 5.

Originally, we only plan to stay for 4 days but I decided to extend my stay when I found out Olympus was having a macro photography event in Penang the next day. So I thought why not? Must be fate right (cannot be coincidence).



Before I begin, please note that I went to Penang in July.

That morning, I took an hour plus bus ride to the event location, Entopia. Went to the counter to buy my entry ticket, then I asked the nice lady at the counter if she knew about this event because I wasn't sure where to gather. 

Poor lady had no clue of such event that she had to called her manager to assist me.

After staring at my ticket for a while... 

Manager: This is on June 4th.
Hui        :  Yeah. (Confident je)
Manager: Today is July 4th.
Hui        : ...
Hui        : OMG.

In case you're confused, let me enlighten you. I was 1 MONTH LATE for the event.

Well done me.

It was so awkward but the counter lady was so nice that she offered to refund my ticket. #greatcustomerservice #thumbs up. But since I'm already here and I was feeling adventurous... 

So I went in.

That's a doodle of me - with just 6 strand of hair 

Look I made a friend!

No regrets though. It was a great experience and I enjoyed myself!

Came back to the hotel, told my friends the story and they were like, out of all the mistakes people make, I've topped them all. HAHAHA

For our last day in Penang, we ate at a cafe.

On our way to the cafe.

We ate at Two Buns. It's quite near to our hotel - 5 minutes drive.

Both burgers are fantastic! #Comingbackformore 

The cafe ambience is pretty rad. LUV IT. They even have a street fighter video arcade machine.

After that, we packed up and went to catch our train. We were so anxious and running like mad because we ALMOST missed the train. 

#GenYproblems #procrastinators #timemanagementissue

Phew! Luckily there were some nice uncles that hold the elevator for us.

(Thank you so much you kind souls!!)

I don't even want to think of what is going to happen if we missed the train. I cannot stand the thought of being homeless.

Our trip in 3 minutes.

I will definitely missed the life we had there, eating everyday HAHA. I'm such a glutton.

Ending it with us in PJs!

Until next time!
x, hui.

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