What's so good about this restaurant? Based on my experience, I had tried several korean restaurant before and there's always a not-suit-my-taste like their kimchi is too strong or certain of their dishes aren't that good until recently I tried this restaurant.
This is by far the best korean BBQ restaurant I had eaten that doesn't seem to have any of the non-suitable taste of mine. Their kimchi is not too strong and so far their dishes are quite good!
A complimentary vegetables salad. The first time I try it, the taste was a bit too strong but after that it's okay. Best if you wrap it with meat and eat it!
Side dishes.
Stir-fried vegetable
Kimchi soup!
Fried Tang Hoon or known as Jap Chae!
BBQ pork! We had 2 types of BBQ pork but I don't remember which is which.
Seafood pancake.
BBQ meat wrapped with kimchi!
Dok-Bok-Ki (Rice cakes). I have try this before in other shops which their sauce ended up too thick or the rice cake not soft enough but this was just nice.
A kind of barley or rice drink which taste somewhat like barley HAHA.
Overall, I like this restaurant food. I even tried their cold noodle once and it wasn't as bad as the others (which my sister had tried before). It's not their cold noodles are bad, it's just too extraordinary from our normal taste bud. I suggest this to all those korean food lovers out there!
This cartoon is quite cute and creepy. Well, their creator is the one that did Caroline too so yeah. There are some resembles. I think it's nice, cute and for all the cheese people out there HAHAHA. It's like their whole movie is partially made from the love of cheese.
Until next time! xx.
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