Goodbye teens, hello twenty!
No, guys. Today is not my birthday. My birthday was probably.. like a month ago HAHA.
Sorry it took me so long to finally, LIKE FINALLY, blog about my birthday. But I'm here now!!
Oh my god, I'm 20 already. It feels like only yesterday I was 18, bracing myself for what's yet to come in college and now, 2 years has passed so quickly!
Ever since high school ended, I swear time pass by so fast even faster than Usain Bolt's running.
SO tips for you guys (although you probably heard it a thousand time), treasure your high school years. Make the best out of it.
A lot has changed in this 2 years. Heck, a lot has changed even in a few months.
I'd say I have grown a lot over this 2 years, definitely matured more BAHAHA. If you guys seen my high school pictures.. damn I look like a bloody kiddo. Ok, maybe I do still look like a kid but hey, there has been some serious growing in my brain cells (or I think there is because I feel them twitching sometimes jk).
Other than maturing, I think I have taken some serious steps towards self-improvement. Although I would say they had been baby steps, REAL baby steps. But on the bright side, at least there are some improvements like trying to exercise everyday to stay healthy so I can still indulge in food whenever I want (super glutton wei). You must be thinking that is good progress until you know that after 1 day of exercise, I take another 2 weeks off HAHAHA.
Ok, enough with my short self-thoughts.
For my this year's birthday, I've decided to asked people out to eat or hang for my birthday. It's kind of a big deal for me because I think I'm the kind of person that waits for people to initiate something.
But this year, it's time for things to change. We should always do stuff that we enjoy on our birthday, the week of our birthday or on any other days. But the main point here is, we. So, why wait around for your friends to ask you to hang? We are in-charge of our own happiness.
And that's what I did. Not in the sense that 'Hey guys, my birthday is this weekend. Let's hang' but just to catch up, hang or chill. I invited some of my friends to go grab lunch or to meet up and took it as we spent time together for my birthday.
Honestly, it felt quite good. I feel good about myself. Also, this eliminates all the stupid expectations that we tend to build.
Not that all my friends are terrible or what, I mean, there are those that invited me out for dinner and I'm truly grateful for it.
Its more of a personal feeling - to feel empower, that I am making choices for my own happiness instead of waiting or letting others make it for me.
OMG so much deep talk in one post, this has got to stop haha.
Coming back to my birthday. My family and I had a nice lunch at Honest Bakery USJ for my birthday. The bakery is loacted at the factories area nearby my place. They have some real good pasta at an affordable price *thumbs up BIG TIME.
I forgotten the tea name but its super cool like whuutt... Redish pink tea??
Aglio - Olio Mushroom Spaghetti
This is definitely worth a try, Hui recommend!
Mushroom Carbonara Spaghetti
Wild Mushroom Spaghetti
Zuchini & Eggplant Spaghetti
This actually taste way nicer than it sounds HAHA.
Creamy macaroni (but they ran out of macaroni and replaced it with pasta for us) served along with scrambled eggs and baked beans!
Yums, bon appetit!
So far, all the pasta I ate at this bakery's are really good, so fret not when you're feeling adventurous in trying something new!
Feel free to visit them at:
26, Jalan Tiara 1, Tiara Square,
Taman Perindustrian, Subang Jaya,
Selangor 47600
Just a heads up for you guys, their bakery sign is a bit small so you might overlook it. AND I would recommend you guys to go during noon on Saturdays (not sure what are their closing time). They have a slight difference in their ingredients used during weekdays and weekends.
They turned up at my place with 20 pink helium balloons!!! 20 PINK HELIUM BALLOONS HAHAHAHA. Never in my life have I ever received so many helium balloons or even balloons.
Since I got so many balloons, picture is a must! Can't let all these precious balloons go to waste right.

Gang Mata Sepet
We were actually half-melting under the scorching sun for these pictures HAHA. #stillworthit
They also got me a few slices of delicious cake to eat AND a bear-looking cake!! So adorable
After done melting in the sun, we went to Pavilion. They had some sort of tsum tsum fair and my friend, my god, she's crazy over tsum tsum's characters haha.
Anyway, we had a nice meal..
Udon dinner at Pavilion
Until one of the saddest thing happened..
I dropped the cake box.
I SWEAR it was not on purpose. The restaurant stated no outside food so I felt bad if I put the cake box on the table hence, I decided to put in on the chair.. with my bag. And as I was digging through my bag, it fell.
I feel so sad OK. Look at my precious cakes!!! T___T
It doesn't stop my friend from going tsum tsum cray though, so I have to quickly pull myself together and ciao to tsum tsum fair. Imagine my sea of saddness pls HAHA.
Lastly, some pictures to share:
I think my head fits well with the balloons, so round like them HAHA
Ok, I think this is enough for one day so I'll continue my part II another time.
Until then, stay tuned!
xx, hui.