Friday, 24 July 2015

Parkamaya X CLEO

Hello my fellow readers! How have you guys been?

After a century, I have finally pick my fat ass up to blog about my long overdue event hehehe. Sorry guys, it's holiday break for me until next week so I have been lazing around. 

This is my second magazine event that I've been to - Parkamaya x Cleo event can be found in their June's issue which I applied and got a seat to attend it! I've heard of Parkamaya before, but never had the reason to visit it - Now, I do. hehehe. 

Parkamaya fashion style is more of a Asian-Japanese kind I would say. They'd dress cute yet weird. Either that, or sometimes their outfit attracts super a lot of attention. I'd say it's hard to explain but easy to point out when seeing in.

I manage to find 2 pictures of that represents their outfit style:

I think this was on their opening day of Parkamaya.
(credits picture to respective owners)

As you can see, their styles are oddly fashionable. Though, not to everyone's preferences.

As for the event I went that day, they had treasure hunt. We were divided into a group of 5 and have to go around the shops in Parkamaya to complete our task. Thank god I wore shoe!

Unfortunately, I am unable to provide images for the treasure hunt event as we were too busy trying to finish our task to stand a chance to win their prizes but, here's some pictures we had to post as a task.

FYI: our group name was Wonder Woman HAHA. Pow pow!

That was probably one of my luckiest day EVER because we thought that we're not going to win anything since they have already announced the first and second runner up. (One cannot be too greedy to expect to win first prize right?!?!)

At this point, I would usually try to self-comfort myself by saying there's no way we will win. Actually, it's just to con yourself to think of the opposite so hopefully what you want will happen HAHA. AND. IT. DID.

That was the first time my trick actually worked! HAHA From that, I also learnt that I am actually capable of squealing like normal girls LOLOL.

Wonder Woman First Prize woo! RM 250 cash vouchers each to spend at Parkamaya. Now I just have to start hunting for things I want to buy hehehe.

It's like shopping with FREE MONEY you know hahaha. We don't have to worry so much about the price, this is must have been how all those rich kids felt like. Just take - who needs price tags anyway HAHA.

Finally, a little snacks for us girls before we go on major shopping spree!

Thank you Parkamaya & CLEO!

Signing off, xx.